Korea Vision Show 2018

tc_published_on_date_by_author {"date":"April 25, 2018","author":"TIS Marketing"}

Asian economies continue to drive the market in the acquisition of automation technologies. Little wonder then that the Korea Vision Show continues to report growing visitor numbers since its first show in 2011. The Imaging Source and reseller VIEWRUN Co. Ltd. attended the show from March 28 - 30, 2018. In addition to a matrix camera display featuring the new USB 3.1 (gen. 1) cameras, the IC 3D stereo camera system and its advantageous approach to 3D imaging generated a lot of interest. A linear motion stage equipped with a DFK Z12GP031 zoom camera demonstrated the benefits of The Imaging Source's zoom camera solutions for applications where fluctuations in object distance and/or positioning are a factor.

The Imaging Source and Viewrun at the 2018 Korea Vision Show.