Korea Vision Show 2019

tc_published_on_date_by_author {"date":"April 23, 2019","author":"TIS Marketing"}

Under the umbrella of the co-located shows, Smart Factory + Automation World, the 7th Korea Vision Show provided visitors with the latest machine vision solutions for industrial and automation applications. The Imaging Source and reseller VIEWRUN Co. Ltd. attended the show from March 27 - 29, 2019. In addition to a matrix camera display featuring the newest USB 3.1 (gen. 1) and GigE cameras, the IC 3D stereo camera system and its flexible approach to 3D imaging also drove visitor traffic to the booth. A linear motion stage equipped with the latest 20x optical zoom camera (DFK 39GX265-Z20) demonstrated the benefits of The Imaging Source's zoom camera solutions. Available as color and monochrome variants, the new zoom cameras feature Sony's IMX265 sensors as well as autofocus, autoiris and a mechanical IR cut filter switch.

The Imaging Source and VIEWRUN at the 2019 Korea Vision Show.